FPUH Andrzej Droździel

Tartak Droździel

Ciotusza Nowa 77b

22-672 Susiec

Telefon: 601368908 , 516073499

E-mail: bdrozdziel@wp.pl



F.P.U.H Andrzej Droździel has been operating on the market continuously since the beginning of the 90s and has been focusing on its development throughout the years. Our offer includes: all kinds of square timber, wooden structures, elements of the roof truss, KD and green timber of various dimensions and railway sleepers.



In recent years, we have invested in the latest wood sawing machines and technology, that allows us to dry wood, and we are constantly developing in this regard. Companies, that cooperate with us, can always count on the continuity of supplies and full professionalism on our side.